
Dorothy Parker

This week's (month's?) selection is a collection of short stories by Dorothy Parker, the 1920s American Socialite, someone that people on Wikipedia describe as "an American writer and poet best known for her caustic wit, wisecracks, and sharp eye for 20th century urban foibles".
Isobel, who submitted this book still hasn't told us exactly which title we are supposed to be reading. I'm guessing this one but she still needs to confirm it.
Anyway, it promises to be an interesting read, no less than Patricia Highsmith's This Sweet Sickness or Beryl Bainbridge's Young Adolf, two other titles than made it to the final.
Our theme this time was Female Writers.


Anonymous said...

I thought we voted for Peter Parker :(

Alex said...

I thought we voted for Parker out of Thunderbirds.

Hey, have you noticed that it echoes when we post comments on here?

Anonymous said...

I thought we voted for a man that parks cars.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha.