
Dotty's back!

So... we now know which book we're supposed to be reading...
We're also wondering about the date for our next meeting, is anytime after the 3rd of October OK for everyone?
Shall we go for Tuesday the 4th?

Something you may find interesting, in 1994, Alan Rudolph (famous for movies like The Secret Life of Dentists (2002) and Made in Heaven (1987) with Kelly McGillis -- quality obviously) directed a film based on Dorothy Parker's life called: Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle. It features pretty much all the indie kids of the early 1990s, from Jennifer Jason Leigh to James LeGros via Nick Cassavetes and Lili Taylor. Sounded interesting at the time... but is it still worth an evening in front of the telly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dammit, lovefilm dont stock it!